《英语人教版八年级下册Unit 8 SectionA 3a-3c教学设计》由会员上传分享,免费在线阅读,更多相关内容在教育资源-天天文库。
1、新目标英语八年级下册Unit8HaveyoureadTreasureIslandyet?SectionA3a-3c教学设计教学目标一、知识目标1.Learn some new words and expressions2.Students can get reading information by reading the passage.Then they can understand the whole passage.3.Learn and practice present perfect tense.二、能力目标1.Develop students’ reading skills.2.
2、Students can retell the passage after learning the passage.三、情感目标1.Learn more about the famous novel Robinson Crusoe.2.Learn the spirit of Robinson.3.Learn some ways to overcome the difficulties.2重点难点教学重难点1.Develop students’ reading skills.2.Students can understand the whole passage and retell the s
4、置不同的分值,给予适当奖励。)2.Showstudentsapictureof a book named Robinson Crusoe, ask the students.T:Have you Read Robinson Crusoe yet?S:Yes,I have. / No,I haven’t.T:If you have Read it,what do you think of it?S:It’s very…(设计意图:由学生熟知的小说和熟悉的句型引入,让学生感知本节课的话题与《鲁滨逊漂流记》有关,同时也复习了本单元的核心句型。)活动2【活动】Step2:Pre-readingWatc
5、h a video about Robison Crusoe and have a free talk.①What is the movie talking about?②Where did Robinson live?③Can you imagine the life on the island?④Can you say something about Robinson?(设计意图:观看与本文相关的电影介绍并进行讨论,唤起学生对故事的回忆,也激发了学习兴趣。)Learn some new words and expressions in the passage.(设计意图:用图片感知和相关句
6、型巩固,让单词学习不再枯燥、单一,也为阅读扫清障碍。)3.Guess:If I’m going to an island alone,I can only take three things,what are they?Why?(设计意图:先设置情境让学生参与讨论,使学生置身与课文内容相关的真实情境之中,运用所学句型表达出来。再把3b的任务结合实际问题,改编成一个小短文,进行猜测游戏,让题目变得生动,富有趣味性。)活动3【活动】Step 3:Fast reading Read the passage quickly and answer the following questions in 3
7、a.1.What does Robinson Crusoe wait for?2.Why does Robinson Crusoe call the man Friday?(设计意图:训练学生快速阅读文章的能力,能快速准确的找寻相关信息。)活动4【导入】Step 4:Careful reading 1.Reading Paragraph 1 and answer:①What things has