3、开展教学,注重因材施教。 五.学习策略目标 交际策略:学会与他人合作交流,并能把语言材料用到真实的生活情景中去。 六.教学准备 多媒体,图片。七.教学过程Step1 Greetings Greet the students as usual.Step2 Lead in Get the students to list some fairy stories they read and the teacher shows the following stories:The Ugly Ducking,Thumbelina,Snow White and the
4、 Seven Dwarfs. 1.给学生展示中国民间故事,寓言故事的图片,回忆起童年听过或学过的故事。2.在看图片的过程中大致了解故事人物,注意其英文表达。Then the teacher asks:What do you know about these stories? Do you know Hansel and Gretel? What do you know about it? Step3 Reading ①Fast-reading.Let the students go through the passage quickly Let the stude
5、nts go through the sentences in 2c and try to finish the task. Check the answers. ②Second-reading.Get the students to read the plays aloud. Then have them read the play again and answer the questions in 2d. Check the answers. 在此过程中学生可能遇到一些新的词汇,老师可帮助解释并强化记忆这些新词汇。 In the moonlight ,alon
6、g the way,shine bright,lead sb. to,find one’s way out,be lost,an old woman’s voice,the house made of bread,cake and candy,from the inside house. ③RoleplayingLet the students read the play for the third time and find the key words of each scene.Each group having four students and then a
7、ct the play out. 各小组投票评选出最佳表演奖和最佳创意奖。 Step3Exercises.Letthestudentsdosomeexercisesandchecktheanswers.让每个小组派一名代表把答案写到黑板上集体更正答案。Step4SummaryStep5Homework:八.教学反思本节课是一节阅读课,我把本节设计为三部分,fastreading,secondreadingandrolePlaying,让学生通过三次的阅读充分了解本课内容,而且锻炼了学生的阅读能力。注意保护学生的学习积极性和主动参与的热情,借助结对练习、小组讨论、