5、n,Mike,John,Sarah,的头饰。2.Let’slearn教学挂图3.教师单词卡4.录音器材五、教学过程设计一、Warmingup1.Listen and do.(做第一册Unit 6 A 部分Let’s do) Show me 1 and 2. Show me 3 and 4. Show me 5 and 6. Show me 7 and 8. Show me 9 and 10. 2.Guess(复习数字1-10) 教师举起右手做出各种表示数字的手势,让学生看好后,教师立即把手放到身后,让学生说出来。(速度由慢到快)也可小组竞赛,看哪组正确率高,
6、在黑板上记分。 3.游戏:How many fingers? 1) 教师伸出4个手指问学生:How many fingers? 学生回答: Four. 教师继续问:How many fingers can you see? 引导学生回答:I can see four fingers. 2) 教师再伸出6个手指,问学生:How many fingers can you see? 学生回答:I can see six fingers. 3) 让学生两人一组做这一练习。 二、Presentation 1.教师分别出示画有苹果、香蕉、橘子、桃和梨的图片给学生:I have many fruits h
7、ere. Do you want to know how many they are? OK,Let’s count. 2.数完后,教师问学生:How many apples/bananas/oranges/peaches/pears do you have? 让学生回答出:I have eleven apples. I have twelve bananas. I have thirteen orang