2、之间密不可分的关系。让更多的人了解审计工作。关键词:审计的重要性;审计风险;影响因素;关系AbstractAdult materiality and its level is a very important conception in modern auditing theory andpracticeand the concrete standard of adult materiality is called adult materiality level.This paper is to discuss the relationship between audit materiali
3、ty level and audit risk,exposing both of the inverse relationship and positive relations between them.The degree of audit risk depends on the judgment of audit materiality,while it is affected by audit risk.Ina wordit is significant to understand correctly the relationship between audit materiality
4、 nd its level and audit riskbecause it helps learn about the related content of the principles of registered accountants in practice,helps them set up reasonable auditing procedures,lowering down audit risk,and improve audit quality.Keywords:adult materiality level;Audit risk;Precautionary measure;
5、relationship between audlt materiality and its level and audit risk 1.审计重要性与审计风险的含义随着世界经济全球化的快速发展,不同企业的发展规模和经营范围正在急速的扩张,而与之有关的会计,也正经历了从简单向复杂化的发展。在企业的日常经营管理过程中,会计记录的数量正在以肉眼看得见的速度急速增加,且会计记录内容日趋复杂。随着市场经济的快速发展,我国传统的审计制度已经不能被市场满足。因此,抽样审计就在此基础上诞生了,与传统的审计相比抽样审计具有两方面的优点,抽样审计可以极大程度的节约企业的时间成本缩短,提高企业的工作效率。另一方