2、ceA thesissubmitted toXIDIAN UNIVERSITYin partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor the degreeof Masterin Applied MathematicsByLv XiaolinSupervisor: Li XuelianTitle:Associate ProfessorJune 2018摘要摘要近几年来,量子计算机一直是很多国家和大公司的重点研究项目之一,目前已经取得了很多的成果.在量子计算下,传统公钥密码体制是
6、即使利用量子计算机完全攻击基于DDH假设的签名部分,拿到了基于DDH假设的密钥对,也不能有效推导出基于格的私钥.最后利用哈希函数的抗碰撞性,来保证第一部分签名的不可伪造性.关键词:格,数字签名,群签名,环签名,可追踪性IABSTRACTABSTRACTInrecent years, quantum computer hasbeen one of the key research projects in many countries and large companies, and manyachievement
7、s have been made. Underquantum computers, traditional public key cryptography systemisnot safe. With the increasing success of quantum computers, a new public key cryptosystem is urgently needed to replace the traditional public key cryptosystem. As a recogn
8、ized cryptosystem that can resist quantum computation, lattice cipher is very promising. At present, the research of lattice cryptosystem is still in the transition stage from embryonic stage to