1、LAND AREAWin terms of land allocation, these 3 elements are not equal; residential program requires themost land,whereas commercial and retail require less 土地面积P土地配置上,三种功能要素并不平均;居住功能需要最多的土L地,而商务与零售功能对土地的需求量相对较少DENSITYWin terms of density, residential zones should be lowerdensity, retail medi
2、um density, whereas commercial zones high density to a concentrated land areaP密度L密度控制上,居住区应控制在较低的密度,休闲功能区居中,而商务区应在相对集中的土地上具有较高的密度{北塘湾概念规划联合工作小组}LAND AREAAND DENSITYwww.fdcsky.net 房商网—海量房地产资料下载!《2011房地产营销策划大全》,QQ:1053527879INTERSECTION in additionto theseelements being present, their relative
3、 synergyand interaction should be made possible, sothatoverlapping and interstitial spaces and Wconditions can occur. 交叉P在这些功能元素存在时,要素间应该能产生相互间的协力与互动L关系,从而创造一个相互重叠交错的环境COMMUNITYthe presence of inbetween mixed use zones creates asense of communityand belonging tomultiple zones W社区PL这种混合功能区的存在
4、将营造一种社区感,并同时属于多个功能元素区域{北塘湾概念规划联合工作小组}INTERSECTIONAND COMMUNITYwww.fdcsky.net 房商网—海量房地产资料下载!《2011房地产营销策划大全》,QQ:1053527879WALKABLE NEIGHBORHOOD the ideal citytakes careful consideration of creating aneighborhood or district that is walkable thereby reducing the need for vehicular movement and
5、promotinga senseof identityand place . 800 M = 10MIN WALK 适于步行的社区空间理想的都市形态必然会关注于创造一个适宜步行的社区/街区。从而降低对机动车的需要,并促使人们对社区形成认同感LOCAL COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD STRUCTUREwithin this district, the core should contain local commercial program, while necessary community MIXED USEservices should occupy the
7、ood or district that is walkable thereby reducing the need for vehicular movement and 800Mpromotinga senseof identityand place . 800M适于步行的社区空间理想的都市形态必然会关注于创造一个适宜步行的社区/街区。从而降低对机动车的需要,并促使人们对社区形成认同感800M5MINUTEWALKNEIGHBORHOOD STRUCTUREwithin this dist