3、精神,体验合作的成就感。1.首先教师以互动的方式展示事先准备好的卡片和问题,The teacher shows pictures and asks, the students answer and act. T: who can act in the front? (向学生渗透所表演的动机) T: What’s wrong with you? S: My elbow hurts./ I have a fever. T: Here are some flowers for you . S: Thank you. T: Your group is fl
4、ower group (以同样方法出示组标)可分为 cherry group, strawberry group and grapefruit group等不同的组。教师教大家一些问候别人身体的方法,比如常见的有howareyou、howareyoufeelingtoday?howdoyoudo?等一些句式。3.提问学生如何在同学之间表达友好,一个生病的人最需要什么样的关心,并如何通过行动表达出来,并给出一些表达的,比如Hereissomethingforyou,havesomethingforyou等,并以此让同学造句,学习或者一些慰问品的单词。峰回路转,一个学生最