4、电压比例法89C51AD6371602液晶湖南电子科技职业技术学院毕业论文(设计)AbstractThe design is the design of a highprecision instrument for RLC measurement based on microcontroller(89C51).This design adopted MAX038monolithic voltagecontrolled function generator to produce high accuracy sine wave
5、signal,which passed through the series circuit of the capacity or inductance and standard resistance,and then measured the respective voltage of the capacity or the inductance and the standard resistance.Using the voltage proportion method calculated the capacitanc
6、e values or inductance values.The design used 51 microcontroller to control the measurement and calculation results,used 1602 LCD to show the result. The range can be adjusted manually, sine signal generator can adjust amplitude and frequency to improve accuracy, w
7、e measured the AC voltage through the ICL7650 to eliminate the error caused by the lower input resistance of AD637. Experimental results show that the performance of this design is stable and of high measurement accuracy. Keywords:Voltage proportion method; 89C51;