4、.Payfortheclothesincash.听第7段对话,回答第8、9题。8.Howoldisthewoman’sgrandfather?A. 78. B. 79. C. 80. 9. What did the woman's grandfather do last winter? A. He went in the hospital. B. He went on a cycling holiday. C. He attended a skiing contest.听第8段对话,回答第10至12题。1010.Whatarethespeakersarguingabout?
5、A. Who to blame. B. Which way to go. C. What transport to take. 11.Whydidthepolicemanstopthespeaker?A.Theytookthewrongshortcut.B.Theydrovebeyondthespeedlimit.C.Theywentthroughtheredlight.12. What was the initial reason for what happened to the speakers? A. The woman didn’t prefer to trave
6、l by train. B. The man failed to ask the way. C. The man forgot to book tickets earlier. 听第9段对话,回答第13至16题。13.WhatisthebasicpurposeoftheIQtests?A.Totestwhoisbrighter.B.Totestlanguageandnumericalability.C.Tojudgeanindividualtalents.14.Whatmakessomanyunhappyparentsintheworld?A.Theirchildrenbein