5、住宅; 指标体系; 跟进体制 [文章编号] 1006-0022(2003)06-0040-04 [中图分类号] TU981 [文献标识码] A The Planning of Healthy City Abroad [Abstract] For planning a healthy city, attention is focused on its concentrated growth, comprehensive utilization of land and the constr
6、uction of public rest places. Emphasis is placed on the construction of a good environment for pedestrians and a connection system for road networks. Attention is also given to the balancing of benefit distributed among people of different ranks. To se
7、t up a healthy city system, it is necessary to make a crisis planning and establish a related management system. [Key Words]Healthy city; lndiana Latin America 引 言.---自今年二月以来,中华民族遭遇了百年未遇的巨大灾难。非典型肺炎肆虐,席卷全国二十多个省市,严重威胁着人民的健康。值得注意的是,在特大城市和巨型城市,如北京、广州
10、,积极推动房屋和街道的有序布置,把供水作为预防和控制疾病的有效手段。近代,英国一直关注由工业革命引发的不断聚集的大城市居民的健康问题,出现了房屋管理,随后演变成公共卫生管理,并最终引致城市与国家规划法的制定。因此,城市规划与公共卫生发展的一个重要目的,就是增进公众身体健康和阻止疾病爆发与传播。早期的城市规划和公共卫生专业都把社区的整体福祉作为工作的中心。(Vanessa K Lund 1999)。后来,城市规划与公共卫生逐渐分离。在大学中,两个专业分别设置,并取得了巨大的进步。随着专业界线逐渐明晰,