2、国神话,希腊神话,比较,文化背景 内蒙古大学满洲里学院本科学年论文第7页The Comparison of the Myth between Ancient Chineseand Ancient GreeceAuthor:LiQianqianTutor:QuanJingAbstract: Myth is a kind of deposit of the primitive culture; it is the spirit heritage of different nations from the primitive period. As two great resou
3、rces of ethical culture and accumulation of ethical spirit, Chinese and Greek mythologies differ from each other with distinctive features. This article compares the mythology of the two great cultures and explores the cultural backgrounds for the differences in the aspects like the image
4、s of god and man, the ethical psychology and spirit behind the mythology, etc. Key words: Chinese myths,Greek myths,Compare,Cultural background 内蒙古大学满洲里学院本科学年论文第7页神话是民族精神最集中最本色的闪光,是民族文化最悠久古老、最顽强健壮的生命之根,也是民族文化的本质特征所在。神话作为一种辉煌的人类精神文化产品,在其漫长的生成过程中,由于各民族的社会经济条件、历史背景、宗教意识、文化传统和民族审美心理的巨大差异,使得不同