1、中国人口年龄结构与居民医疗保健消费王学义/张冲【专题名称】社会保障制度【专 题 号】C41【复印期号】2013年07期【原文出处】《统计研究》(京)2013年3期第59~63页【英文标题】The Impact of Population Age Structure on Household Health Care Consumption in China【作者简介】王学义(1959- ),男,四川遂宁人,西南财经大学中国西部经济研究中心教授,博士生导师,四川省学术和技术带头人,研究方向为人口经济学、人口管理学;张冲(1985- ),男,四川仁寿人,西南财经大学
3、的显著影响。This paper uses the method of GMM to analysis the impacts of population age structure(measured by the youth dependency ratio and the old dependency ratio) on household health care consumption with the panel data from Chinese provinces during the period 2001 - 2010. The result
4、suggests that the youth dependency ratio does not have a significant impact on household health care consumption, while the old dependency ratio has a positive impact on the household health care consumption, with the rising of the old dependency ratio, the household health care con
5、sumption is increasing. In addition, we also find that the lag period coefficient of the residents' health care consumption is positive, and the coefficient of the system GMM two-step is 0.51; the growth of per capita income has a positive impact on the household health care consump
6、tion.【关 键 词】人口年龄结构/抚养系数/医疗保健消费/动态面板population age structure; dependency ratio; health care consumption; dynamic panel data 中图分类号:C812 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-4565(2013)03-0059-05 一、问题的提出及文献回顾 近年来,我国医疗保健消费支出不断上升,而且上升幅度超过总消费的支出。是什么原因引起我国居民医疗保健消费的增长呢?传统的研究对医疗保健消费支出的影响因素多数是从经济增长(何平平,