3、学生的想象力。在学生预习新课时,有意识地设计一些有启发性、针对性的问题,让学生带着疑问,带着目的去进行预习,如在模块五 Unit 1 “Getting along with others” Reading 中先提出这样问题:“Is friendship important in your life?”“Have you ever quarreled with your friend? If so, how would you mend a broken friendship?”通过这几个简单的问题,使学生进入良好的准备状态,激发了他们的学
4、习兴趣,从而产生一种探求知识的渴望。接着通过课文情节的描写,提出:“Are the writers of the two letters feeling happy or sad?”“Why did Sarah tell Hannah that they weren’t going to be friends any more?”“Why did Andrew shout at Matthew after the match?”等问题,让学生带着问题去学习,这样可以激发学生的学习使学生真正认识到朋友的重要性以及如何修复破裂的友谊。 二、
5、开设多种活动,拓展学习空间 英语是一门应用性学科,越来越普及,因此我在教学中善于启发引导学生把他们学到的知识、技能,从学习情境迁移到真实生活情景中去,举一反三,巩固知识,掌握技能。如在教完牛津初中英语教材九年级 Unit 3 Reading 后,要求学生组织一段有关 Reading 的对话并表演体验。 A: Did you know that the colours used on national flags have special meanings?4 B: No. I thought that they were used
6、because they looked nice. Do the colours always mean the same thing in different countries? A: Sometimes they do,but sometimes they mean different things. B: Is it important to understand the meanings? A: I think so,because it can help show that we often share similar
7、beliefs. B: What do the colours on a national flag symbolize? A: They often symbolize the origin of the country, along with its values,belifes and culture. B: What was the motto of the French revolution? A: Liberty,equality and fraternity. Can you tell me whatthe sta
8、rs and stripes on the American flag represent? B: The fifty stars represent the fifty states an