1、中国对于跨国企业的处罚加大力度In the annals·n.年报;编年史;年鉴 of anti-monopoly case law, Chineserice noodle and tableware cartels do not rank upthere with the Standard Oil trust, the petroleumcartel that was famously prosecuted in 1911 underthe US Sherman Antitrust Act.在反垄断判例法记录中
2、,中国的米粉和餐具消毒卡特尔不可与标准石油(Standard Oil)托拉斯同日而语。1911年,美国法院根据《谢尔曼反托拉斯法》(Sherman Antitrust Act)裁定标准石油托拉斯为非法石油垄断组织,这是一个著名的判例。But in time these two much lesser known cartels, targeted by被。。部门盯上了 Beijing regulators shortly afterthe implementation of。。。。的实施 China’s 2010
3、 Anti-Monopoly Law, may become famous in their ownright凭借自身的原因. They were among the first cases in an enforcement强制执行 campaign名词和动词,作战,战役 that has since ensnared·vt.诱捕;诱入陷阱;进入罗网the likes of 例如。。。。Mercedes-Benz and Qualcomm. It could also soon have implication
4、s暗示,暗指,蕴含 formultinationals’跨国公司复数 ability to safeguard动词和名词,保护 intellectual形容词,知识的,理智的名词,知识分子 property in the world’s most coveted ·adj.垂涎的;梦寐以求的·v.垂涎;渴望(covet的过去分词形式);贪图market.然而,中国这两个鲜为人知的卡特尔或许也会因为其自身的原因扬名世界——2010年,在中国《反垄断法》(Anti-Monopoly Law)实施一年多后,它们便被北京
5、方面的监管部门盯上了。它们是反垄断执法行动中首批被调查的对象,这之后梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)和高通(Qualcomm)之类的公司相继中枪。这场执法行动很快还可能威胁跨国企业在中国市场上保护自身知识产权的能力,而中国是全世界最令人垂涎的市场。In both instances例子,这里指代案例, the National Development and Reform Commission imposed small penaltiesfor price collusion·n.勾结;共谋 on在
6、。。。市场上的串通涨价 more than a dozen rice noodle米线 makers and service providers that wash,sterilise and wrap tableware·n.餐具 in plastic for restaurants. Stephen Harris, a competition attorney律师,代理人with Winston Strawn in Washington DC, says both cases were a signal to
7、 Chinesecompanies by NDRC that “new laws exist and there’s a cop巡警 on the beat在巡逻中”.在两个案例中,中国的国家发改委(National Development and Reform Commission)对十多家米粉制造商以及7家为餐馆提供套装消毒餐具的餐具消毒企业处以小额罚款,原因是这些企业串通涨价。华盛顿特区温斯顿-斯特朗律师事务所(Winston & Strawn)的反垄断律师斯蒂芬•哈里斯(Stephen Harri
8、s)称,两起案件都是发改委向中国企业发出的警告——“新法律已经实施,警察在盯着呢”。The NDRC’s investigations into allegedly ·adv.依其申述;据说,据称anti-competitive behaviour by domestic firmsculminated ·vi.到绝顶;达到高潮;达到顶点·vt.使结束;使达到高潮with