2、5.400)。结论:具有A/G或G/G基因型者发生肠化生和胃癌的风险性增加;此种肠化生与胃癌有着相似的遗传特性,可作为癌前肠化生进行随访。【关键词】肠化生;多态性;胃癌;人群Pi类谷胱甘肽转移酶基因 AbstractObjective:To analysis the distribution of polymorphism of GSTP1 in intestinal metaplasia (IM) of gastric cancer , and to assess the risk of carcino
3、genesis of IM. Methods:Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) ilar to those of gastric cancer ,so they should be regarded as highrisk individuals of gastric cancer and folloetaplasia;polymorphism;gastric cancer