1、湖南师范大学本科毕业论文考籍号:XXXXXXXXX姓名:XXX专业:理学农林学类论文题目:苏州园林鉴赏文章:易学与苏州耦园布局指导老师:XXX二〇一一年十二月十日苏州耦园被联合国教科文组织批准列为世界文化遗产。作为苏州古典园林的代表,耦园所包含的文化意蕴尚有待进一步的发掘。现通过对耦园的研究,发现其布局是主人运用易学原理的结果,这在以“师法自然”为圭臬的苏州造园史上,实属仅此一例。这一新发现丰富了耦园的文化诠释。独特的文化内涵是一份极其珍贵的园林文化遗产,应该引起学界的充分重视。关键字:易学;耦园布局;文化遗产Abstract: As a representative
2、of Suzhou classical Gardens, Suzhou Ouyuan strongly requires our attention to further research of its profound culture background after it was approved its application of world cultural legacy by UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) recently. At present, extensi
3、ve research work show that the layout of Ouyuan is the result of applying Book of Changes ingeniously by its owner. The new discovery enriches the explanation to Ouyuan Culture, which stands Ouyuan as the only example for its sophisticated arrangement in Suzhou where the worship to natur
4、e is the most important guideline. Great attention should be attached to its most cherished unique cultural treasure.Key words:Book of Changes;Ouyuan layout;cultural legacy“师法自然”是苏州古典园林造园的最高境界。拙政园是依据原来地形,“稍加浚治,环以林木”①而建成的。留园中部,土阜之上建“闻木樨香轩”,上下回廊依势而建,起落跌宕,坡度陡峭不设踏步。古代大户官僚住宅,必坐北朝南,苏州私家园林,所建园门