1、裁判员的临场用英语-比赛用语http://ent.VeryEast.Cn2006-3-810:07:00篮球网1.playing time 比赛时间2.begining of the game 比赛开始3.duties and power of the captain 队长职责和权力4.inmng team 胜队5.losing team 负队6.pass 传球7.dribble H球、8.screen 掩护9.plyot 旋转10.fo。ard,前锋11.guard 后卫12.balling play affer g
2、oal 中篮后继续比赛13.decision of the game 比赛胜负14.ball goes in to play 球进入比赛状态15.time-out in case of injury 遇伤害事故中断比赛16.control of the ball 控制球17.ball racemes alive 球成活球18.the act of shooting 投篮动作19.the ball given to opponent 抢断球20.control of the ball by the player 队员控制
3、球21.control of the ball by the team 队控制球22.belnning of a game 开始比赛23.opposing players 双方队员24.players leave the court please 队员离场25.the ball put in play at the mid—court 中场外掷界外球继续 比赛26.the ball put in play at the side—line 边线外掷球比赛27.the ball put in play at the en
4、d line 端线外掷球比赛28.free throw Is successful 罚球中篮29.a goal is made 中篮、投中30.goaln’t madle 投篮未中31.cancel score 得分无效32.refusal to play 拒绝比赛 八、介绍l.May i introduce myself:Zhang Hong .请允许我自我介绍:张宏2.How do you do? I’m Li Guo qiang. 你好,我叫李国强。3.pleased to meet you.见到你我很高兴。4.
5、I’ve heard a lot about you.我常听别人谈到你。5.What’s your name (Yourname,Please)?你叫什么名字?6.My name is Zhao Zhenhua.我叫赵振华。7.Hello!I’m Wang Dong.你好!我叫王东。8·Excuse me,my name Is Liu Ying.对不起,我叫刘被。9.Where are you from?你从哪里来?10.I‘m from China (Bejing).我从中国来(北京)。11.What’your Jo
6、b?你做什么工作?12.I’m a teacher.我是教师。裁判员的临场用英语-裁判人员http://ent.VeryEast.Cn2006-3-59:45:00篮球网1。officials 裁判人员2.referee.主裁判3.umpire 副裁判4。official’s signals 裁判员手势5.two points 两分6.one points 一分7.three point attempt 试报三分8.three point-succefull shot 三分9.cancel score 得分无效 10.
7、time in 计时重新开始11.time out 比赛时间停止12.end of game 比赛结束13.jump ball 跳球14.signal 信号15.forfeit 弃权16.unsportsman like 不道德17.warning 警告18.no score 投中无效19.the leading official 前导裁判员20.the trailing official 追踪裁判员21.the referee calling the decision 做出宣判的裁判员22.the Other ref
8、eree 另一裁判员23.the active referee 执行裁判员24.the free referee 配合裁判员25.internationdl referee 国际裁判26.national referee 国家级裁判27.referee of first category 一级裁判员28.chief referee