《幼儿园大班英语活动设计 left and right(左和右)》由会员上传分享,免费在线阅读,更多相关内容在教育资源-天天文库。
1、幼儿园大班英语活动设计Left and right(左和右)活动目标:1、初步理解和学习方位词left 和right。2、能根据教师的指令,指出相应的左右手(脚、眼、耳)。3、乐意参与 “Guess”游戏活动,大胆地说出自己猜测的结果.活动准备:1、在中文环境中幼儿对左右已有一定的认识,能清楚地分清左右。2、磁带、糖果一粒。活动过程:1 Greeting.Good morning. /Nice to meet you. /How are you? /What’s the weather like today? ...2 Course.(1) Sing
2、a song “Head shoulders knees and toes”.(2) 直接引出right和 left。T(T伸出一只手):Follow me. Right hand .C(伸出右手):Right hand, right hand.请幼儿逐个发音并出示相对应的手,left的教法同上(3) Game “Yes or No”.T: Now, let’s play a game “Yes or No”. Look, right hand, yes or no? (教师任意举起一只手) C: …(4) Game “Do as I tell you”.T: Boys
3、 and girls, we’ll play a game named “Do as I tell you”. ××××, you four please, put your right hand on the blackboard, put your left hand on the desk, put …T: This group, stand up. Right foot, go, go, go. Left foot, go, go, go. And put your right hand on the piano.C: …(5) Game “Guess”T: (出示一粒
4、糖)What’s this?C: Candy.T: Guess, where is the candy?(教师将糖藏到身后,放在任意手中)T: Where is the candy? In my right hand or left hand ?C: …(请个别幼儿上前表演,其余幼儿猜, 教师两遍,幼儿两遍)(6)Game “Show me…”巩固对right和 left的认识。T: Now, let’s play a game “Show me…” If I say “Touch your nose”, you should touch your nose. Do you unde
5、rstand?C: …T: Show me your right hand, please.C: …T: Show me your left hand, please.C: …T: Show me your right foot/ eye/ ear.C: …T: Show me your left hand.C: T: Show me your left foot/ eye/ ear.C: …(6) 幼儿初步理解儿歌“Right or left”。T: I have a new rhyme about “Right or left”. Listen carefully. Rig
6、ht eye, left eye. Blink, blink, blink. Right ear, left ear. Listen, listen, listen. Right hand, left hand. Clap, clap, clap. Right foot, left foot. Step, step, step. OK. Can you follow me? Let’s say the rhyme together.C: …(7) 兔子舞。T: Let’s dance with the music.C:…德育教育融入小学课堂教学的有效对策随着我国小学德育教