1、会展口译课内实训教材UNIT1Planning会展策划一、BidforEvent申办会展1. The Gardening and Horticulture Expo is inviting public bids for the next year’s event. 园艺博览会为举办下一届展会,正在公开招标。 2. Actually we started preparing for the bidding program years ago, and keep revising it time and time
2、 again. 实际上,我们已在多年前就着手准备投标方案,并且对其进行反复修改。 3. Any flaw in the bidding documents may lead to complete failure. 投标文件中的任何小小失误,都可能招致投标失败。 4.The preview of the bidding programs of various organizations will start tomorrow. 对各方投标方案的预审,将从明天开始。 5.The theme of our bid
3、should communicate power, foresight and humanities concern. 我们的投标方案应当能够传递“力量、远见、人文关怀”的主题。 6.The representatives to speak for our bidding scheme are to be selected elaborately. 代表我方进行申办陈述发言的人选,必须精心挑选。 7.The bidding company should meet the following qualificat
4、ions: with registered capital over RMB 5,000,000 and positive recognition andgoodwill. 申办企业需要满足以下条件:注册资金500万人民币以上,拥有良好的社会形象及商誉。 8.The deadline is 17:00 October 17th, 2008, and the bidding materials will be received or rejected via the postmark. 投标截至2008年10月1
5、7日17时,投标资料接受时间以邮戳为准。 9.We need to review all the paperwork again to see whether they’re all stamped and sealed. 我们需要再次检查,是否所有纸质文件都已加盖公章。 10.We passed the preview session, and now are preparing for detailed design and budget. 29我们已经通过了竞标预审,现在正在准备详细的设计方案和预算计划。
6、 11.These documents must not release to any third party, and the confidentiality is our primary concern. 这些投标文件不能泄漏给任何第三方,保密性是我们最关注的问题。 12.We need three more copies of the documentation of our qualifications. 我们还需要三份资质文件的复印件。 13. What are the strengths and w
7、eaknesses of this city in terms of holding the Creative Industry Exhibition? 这座城市在举办“创意产业展”方面,具备哪些优势和不足? 14.The other bidders may have more experience, but I believe we can surpass them through creative program and promise market potentials. 虽然其他竞标者经验丰富,但是我认
8、为我们会在方案创意和巨大的市场潜力方面胜出。 15.The bidding process may involve huge financial support and humanresources, but it would be a god-given opportunity for our publicityand future development. 本次竞标可能耗费大量的人