4、;又在一定程度上还是未来中国消费的主力和消费潮流的引导者,他们的消费观反映出他们的生活现状和价值取向。青少年学生作为思想最活跃、接受新生事物能力最强的一个群体,已经成为旅游市场中一个不容忽视的细分市场。然而,由于青少年学生特殊的心理、生理、经济等特点,对旅游的心理呈现着和其它社会群体大不相同的特征。关键词:青少年学生旅游消费心理营销策略 AbstractTourism, the world's largest industry. Teenagers, the future of the largest consumer groups. With the
5、rapid development of tourism in our country, the young students tourism hasgradually become an important part of tourism consumption in our country. Young students is a special group in society, they are the current consumption is one of the main body, has the independent consump
6、tion consciousness and consumptioncharacteristics; Again to a certain extent, or in the futurethe main Chinese consumption and consumption trend of guide,their consumption reflects their life status and value orientation. Young students as the most active and accept new things ab
7、ility strongest a group, has become a tourism market segments that nots allow to ignore. However, due to the young students special mental, physical, economic and other characteristic, the psychological of tourist and other social groups of different characteristics. KeyWords:You