1、教学单位信息工程系学生学号本科毕业论文(设计)题 目 企业进销存管理系统的设计与实现学生姓名 专业名称 计算机科学与技术指导教师 2014年 12月 20 日3838企业进销存管理系统的设计与实现摘要:企业进销存管理系统是目前应用于公司或是企业进销存管理系统中的典型代表,涉及到了商品或货物管理中主要的6个方面,即进货、销售、钱流、库存、统计及查账。通过一个典型企业进销存管理系统的例子,介绍了现代企业进销存管理信息化的一般解决方案,其重要性不言而喻。但是,目前企业在具体的业务流程处理过程中仍然使用手工操作的方式来实施,
2、不仅费时、费力、效率低下,而且无法达到理想的效果。 本系统是根据企业的特点,集进、销、存于一体,为企业量身定做的进销存管理软件。在设计过程中最大限度满足用户的要求,因此,该系统具有较强的实用性和针对性。本系统界面友好,操作简单,可维护性强,功能完备。本论文介绍了进销存管理信息系统开发的全过程,详细介绍了系统的分析、系统的开发与设计说明等内容,最后给出了系统的使用说明和系统设计的心得体会。 关键词:企业进销存管理,数据库,统计38Enterprise designandimplementationofInvoicingma
3、nagement systemAbstract:Purchase, Sales and Inventory Management System supermarket is used in companies or enterprises in the Purchase, Sales and Inventory Management System for a typical representative of, relating to the goods or goods of the management of six
4、major areas, namely, purchase, sale, money flow, inventories, statistics and auditing . Supermarkets, through a typical example of Invoicing Management System, introduced the modern enterprise management information Invoicing solution of the general, the importanc
5、e of self-evident. However, the supermarket business processes in specific processing still using manual methods to implement, not only time-consuming, laborious, inefficient, and can not achieve the desired results. The system is based on the characteristics of e
6、nterprises, set forward, sell, stored in one Invoicing tailored for the enterprise management software. During the design process to maximize the user's requirements to meet, so that the system has strong practical and targeted. The system user-friendly, simple op
7、eration, maintenance, and functions. This paper describes the development of Purchase, Sales and Inventory Management Information System of the whole process of detailed system analysis,system development and design notes, etc.,and finally gives the system descrip
8、tion and system design experiences.Keyword:Staffmanagementsystem;MySQLdatabase;JSP;JAVA38目录1引言12本文相关技术22.1MVC设计模式22.1.1MVC设计模式的实现32.1.2MVC设计模式的扩展32.1.3M