2、he Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act or JOBS Act, is a law intended to encourage funding of United States small businesses by easing various securities regulations. It passed with bipartisan support, and was signed into law by the President of the Un
3、ited States on April 5, 2012. In this paper,we first introduce the content and the possible impact of the JOBS Act,then we share what we learned from this act on how to develop China's capital market. Key Words:JOBS Act;Small Business;Capital Market
8、从图1-1来看,美国公司实施IPO的平均费用为250万美元,而上市后为了满足合规和信息披露要求,公司每年平均付出的费用为150万美元,这些费用对于成长阶段的小型公司来说难以承受。 数据来源:“Rebuilding the IPO On-Ramp”,Issued by the IPO Task Force,2011.10.20 2、小型公司IPO“得到的太少” 网上经纪的产生减弱了市场对小型公司的关注。过去零售经纪人每天打成千上万的电话,给投资者意见