2、生超重和肥胖检出率高于女生。城市超重和肥胖检出率高于农村。超重、肥胖小学生的肺活量高于正常体重小学生,而肺活量指数明显低于正常体重小学生。结论:凌海市男生超重和肥胖检出率的增长趋势较为突出;早期预防和控制小学生肥胖有助于心肺功能的发育。【关键词】小学生;超重;肥胖;检出率;调查 Linghai Pupils Overic Prevention Station Environmental Health and School Health Section,Jianchang 125300,China;2.Health Inspection Institute;3.De
3、pertmentofEpidemiologyandStatistics,Shenyang Medical College ) AbstractObjective:To investigate overpact of students in Linghai City.Methods:A random cluster sampling method ination data of 4-6 grade students in six primary schools ass index (BMI) calculation and vital capacity index
4、 en and en en and en en and en en and en ary school pupils of the lung capacity is higher than normal al ore pronounced; early prevention and control of obesity contribute to heart and lung function of primary school development. Key2)超重、肥胖性别-年龄筛查标准[3]作为超重和肥胖判断标准。肺活量指数计算方法:肺活量指数=肺活量/