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CHANGSHAMEDICALUNIVERSITY教案2014~2015学年第一学期课程名称英国文学简史开课系部外语系开课教研室英语专业教研室授课教师周红职称讲师授课班级2012级英语班学生人数32人长沙医学院教务处制 长沙医学院教案课程名称英国文学简史授课题目(章节或主题)OldEnglishLiterature授课教师周红所属系(部)外语系所属教研室英语专业职称讲师授课时间星期二授课时数2授课班级英语专业(本科□专科□)2012级英语1班教学课型理论课□实验课□见习课□习题课□讨论课□其它□教材名称、作者、出版社及出版时间英国文学简史,刘炳善,河南人民出版社,2007.教学目的:1.Giveguidingideasaboutpoetry,includingitselements anddifferenttypes2.Providebasicknowledgeofunderstanding&appreciatingOldEnglishliterature3.ExperienceOldEnglishliteraryworkBeowulfthroughreading教学要求:1.GraspthemainideasaboutBeowulfanditsculturalvalues2.AnalyzethethemeandartisticfeaturesofBeowulf重点与难点:重点:getthemainideaofoldEnglishpoetry,graspthemainideasaboutBeowulf;难点:analyzethethemeandartisticfeaturesofBeowulf教学方法(请打√选择):讲授法□讨论法□启发式□自学辅导法□练习法(习题或操作)□读书指导法□PBL教学法□CBL教学法□其他□ 教学手段(请打√选择):板书□实物□标本□挂图□模型□投影□幻灯□录像□CAI(计算机辅助教学)□教学过程设计和教学内容:PartOneEarlyandMedievalEnglishLiteratureChapter1OldEnglishLiterature1. Leading-in: Old English, or Anglo-Saxon, period extends from about 450 to 1066, the year of the Norman-French conquest of England. The Germanic tribes from Europe who overran England in the 5th century, after the Roman withdrawal, brought with them the Old English, or Anglo-Saxon language, which is the basis of Modern English. 2. The Historical Background: The English people are of a mixed blood. The early inhabitants on the island we call it England were Britons, a tribe of Celts, and they were a primitive people. From the year 55B.C., Britain was invaded by Julius Caesar, the Roman Conqueror, and at the same time, Britain was invaded by three tribes from Northern Europe: the Angles, Saxons and Jutes. They landed on the British coast and built the kingdoms of their own. By the 7th century AD, these small kingdoms were combined into a united kingdom called England. The three dialects spoken by them grew into a single language called Anglo-Saxon, or Old English. The three tribes invading Britain, the Angles, Saxons and Jutes at first all lived along the northwestern coast of Europe. In those ancient times, the living conditions are very hard. To survive, they had to fight against the wild beasts, struggle against the force of nature, which remained mysterious and unknown to them. The Anglo-Saxons were brave but superstitious. When 教学方法和注意事项(1) Lectures: providing essential background knowledge (2) Seminars: discussing on giving topics 时间分配5minutes15分钟 they returned from their exploits and voyages, the warriors would tell stories of very strange monsters that lived beneath the sea, or in the dark forests. Just under such conditions did the story Beowulf come into being. 3. Old English Poetry: Much of old English poetry was probably intended to be chanted, with harp accompaniment, by the Anglo-Saxon bard. Often bold and strong, but also mournful and elegiac in spirit, this poetry emphasizes the sorrow and ultimate futility of life and the helplessness of humans before the power of fate. Generally speaking, all the old English poetry that has survived can be divided into two groups: the secular poetry and the religious one. The religious group is mainly on biblical themes or on saints’ lives. Such poems suggest how the church and its poets believed the true function of art was not simply to release feeling but to teach others and enhance devotion. In addition to these religious compositions, Old English poets produced the national epic poem, Beowulf, and a number of more or less lyrical poems of shorter length, which do not contain specific Christian doctrine and which evoke the Anglo-Saxon sense of the harshness of circumstance and the sadness of the human lot. Most of the secular group are laments, the lament of an exile, of a masterless bard, a hungry sailor on the wintry seas, a wife parted from her husband. The harsh climate of North Sea strongly affected the tone or mood of the poets. The life is sorrowful, and the speakers are fatalistic, though at the same time courageous and determined. 4. Beowulf : Beowulf is the first great English literary work and is regarded as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons. However, the hero and the setting of Beowulf have nothing to do with England. The poem was originally in an oral form, sung by the bards at the end of the 6th century. The present script was written down in the 10th century. Beginning and ending with the funeral of a great king, and composed against a background of impending disaster, Beowulf describes the herpic deeds of a Scandinavian 20分钟10分钟 culture hero, Beowulf, in destroying the monster Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and a fire-breathing dragon. In these sequences Beowulf is shown not only as a glorious hero but as a savior of the people. 4.1The Story The poem opens with praise of the deeds of the Danes, Scyld their king, and his descendants. One of these, Hrothgar, builds a great hall, which has been laid waste for 12 years by a monster named Grendel. Beowulf, the nephew of Higelac, king of the Geats, and a famed slayer of monsters, hearing of the trouble, comes with 14 companions across the sea to give assistance and mortally wounded.the Danes rejoice over the victory; and Hrothgar rewards Beowulf. But in the night that follows, Grendel’s mother, a water-hag, enters the hall to revenge her son. Beowulf follows her to her cave under the waves and fights with her, and cuts off the witch’s head, and also the head of Grendel, who is lying in the cave. Beowulf and his Geats return to their native land, then succeeds to the kingdom, where he reigns for fifty years. And now, a fire-dragon starts to devastate the country. Beowulf and eleven companions go out to fight the monster. The fire-dragon is finally killed by Beowulf, but he himself is enveloped in flames and hopelessly wounded and dies. The poem ends with the description of the hero’s funeral and the people’s panegyric of his virtues. 4.2The Structure The poem can be divided into three parts: (1) The fight against Grendel (2) The fight against Grendel's mother (3) The fight against the Dragon 4.3The Image of Beowulf Beowulf is a brave hero. He strove to do better than any 20分钟5分钟 one else the things that are vitally important to the happy life of his people. He protects his people and show gentleness and generosity to his warriors. By praising Beowulf’s wisdom, strength and courage, and by glorifying his death for his people, the poem presents the heroic ideal of a king and his good relations to his warriors and people. 4.4The Theme Thematically the poem presents a vivid picture of how the primitive people waged heroic struggles against the hostile forces of the natural world under a wise and mighty leader. 4.5The Artistic Features (1)The use of alliteration Alliteration:Repetition of initial (first) consonant sound ―like lake water lapping‖ Roses are red / Violets are blue / Sugar is sweet / And so are you. (2)The use of understatements Understatements:Treats a serious issue as if it were of little importance 15分钟10分钟10分钟复习思考及作业题布置:1 Read Beowulf (in modern English translation)2 write a comment on Beowulf 授课的创新点:Interactiveteachingapproach;参考资料(包括辅助教材、参考书、文献等): 常耀信,英国文学简史,南开大学出版社,南开:2006。 王宝童,金域行:英诗教程,河南大学出版社。开封:1993。 张伯香,英国文学教程,武汉大学出版社,武汉:2001。教研室意见:教研室主任签章:年 月 日课后记(即通过收集教学督导专家、同行和学生的反馈信息,认真整理分析成功的经验和不足之处,在课程结束后填写)