《draft resolution模联国际劳工组织决议草案》由会员上传分享,免费在线阅读,更多相关内容在教育资源-天天文库。
2、re-W,Indonesia-ETheGeneralAssembly,Notingwithappreciationthatbothgovernmentsandemployershavealreadymadeeffortinsupervisionsystemstepbystep.Recognizing the problem brought by the freeflows of labor hascaused a variety of issues on human rights, labor's physical security, minimumwage, and so on
3、.Noticing the disagreements in the interest of labors, employers, and governments, which in turn creates an obstacle in solving the problem. It is now most urgent to break the dilemma and strike the balance between the multiple entities,Concerning the regional panic within some Asian contries
4、 which severely strike the daily life of low-income residents and cause the residents have no choice but become oversea migration labors just to make a living,Expressing concerns about the obligation of employers to assist the workers, and thus to create a more steady circumstance to comfort
5、the labors; improving the labor's working condition by providing the reasonable medical insurance projects,Claimingtheroleof governments to be the bridge in the communicationbetweenlaborsandemloyers; taking actions to guarantee the basic human rights of labors; cooperating with the employers
6、to betterthe working conditions of labors.1.Createsasupervisionsystem1)GovernmentshouldcreateasupervisionsystemwiththehelpofNGOandenterprisesinordertoassurethelegalityoflaborsource.Themainpartofthesystemisthegovernment.a.Governmentshouldestablishaninstitutiontotakechargeofthesystemandprovidef