1、中英文资料翻译With thepopularity of theInter NET applications, avarietyofWeb InformationSystemHasbecome a pressing issue. Establish the essence of Web informationsystemsDevelopmentofa Web repository (database asthecoreof avarietyof Web letterInformationstorage) asthecore Web applications. Currently,th
2、eWeb repositorydevelopment technologyOperation of awiderangeof differentcharacteristics. Variousperiods atalllevels, avarietyofpurposesTechnology co-exist, dizzying mirror chaos,itisdifficultto choose. More popularJava ofSer vet Web repository development program amorepracticalOf choice.Servlet
3、 is running the applet ontheWebserver, canbecompleted XuMulti-client Applet cannotcomplete thework,whichruns ontheserver and clientsNo end,donot download donot by the client securityrestrictions, the running speedGreatlyincreasedAndApplet running in a browser and extend the browser's ability si
4、milarLike, Serv thelet run in theWeb server to enable Java Serv thelet engineAndexpand the capacity of the server. Therefore,wecansay Serv thelet is run inApplet onaWebserver, Serv thelet JavaServletAPIAnd Jav a program of classes andpackages.1Servlet access model2Serv thelet,therearethree acce
5、ssmodels:(1) anaccess model 1 browserto Webserver to issue a retrieval request.2 theWeb server after receiptoftherequest, the request forwardedtothe Servletengine.3Serlet engine toperformtherequested the Servlet and directly throughJDBC4Servlet throughJDBC toretrieve searchresults to generate
6、the html pageandPage backto the Webserver.5 theWeb server thepage is sent backtothebrowser.(2)Thesecond access model 1 browserto Webserver to issue a retrieval request.2 theWeb serverreceivestherequest afterthe request forwardedto the ofSer v theletengine.3Servlet engine toperformthe request th
7、e the Servlet and retrieve sentJa, vabean access to the data.4data access the Javabean searchabledatabase throughJDBC informationAnd fromthesearchresults stored in itself.5Servlet remove searchresults from the data access Javabean