2、对于合并白内障,并且不存在玻璃体及增殖膜牵引的黄斑裂孔局限性视网膜脱离的患者,应用白内障超声乳化摘除、人工晶体植入联合玻璃体腔注气术治疗操作简捷、安全有效。【关键词】白内障;黄斑裂孔;视网膜脱离;白内障超声乳化;玻璃体腔注气术 AbstractObjective:To evaluate the effect of the minimal surgery for macular hole (MH)ent(RD) and cataract.Methods:A retrospective analysis ade
3、 for 32eyes MH of 32 cases treated inimal surgery (Phacoemulsification+ IOL implantion +intravitreal gas injection) .The folloonths.The main distingaishable index measures included the anatomic reattachment rate,the change of the best corrected visual acui
4、ty(BCVA), the result of multifocal ERG and the postoperative plication rate.Results:Anatomic reattachment rate provement rate ERG topographies reappeared little by little in 9 month after the surgery.Conclusion:Minimal surgery (Phacoemulsification + IOL imp
5、lantion +intravitreal gas injection) is safe and effective treatmemt for the patients of MH embane. Key acular hole; retinal detachment; phacoemulsification ; intravitreal gas injection 高度近视黄斑裂孔性视网膜脱离患者合并白内障者非常多见,手术治疗在术式上有多种选择[1,2],如何通过损伤小的手术达到既封闭黄斑裂孔、视网膜