5、从而影响到他们的诗歌创作,在豪放的基调下表现出激越与清雄两种不同的诗歌风格。关键词:李白与苏轼;矛盾与执着;自由与超越;激越与清雄ComparisonofLiBai, SuShi'LifeAttitudeand StyleofPoetryAbstract: Li Bai who is called "Fair Poet","Winebibber","Di Xian ren" and Su Shi who is called "CiZhongZhiLong","Po Xian", as the summit of the heyday i
6、n Tang as well asin Song Dynasty, intensively have the talent ,fortune and sadness of ancient literati. In their own difenrent age ,the two genius poets samely coming from Si Chuan and in touch with people from Son of Heaven to the poor and devoted into pursuing the achie
7、vement of self-worth and adaptiveness of ego-psychology. Li Bai transcended himself through instisting pursuing freedom and ideal until death , and Su Shi did by the review on suffering and self-examination inside. What's more, the difference of background in two dynastie
8、s and families makes sense on their various characters and life attitudes, meanwhile it influen