5、 of theurbanlabormarketfieldis one ofthe mainproblems of concern forscholarssince the reformandopeningu-p , due to avariety of complex factorsthat leadto employment inequality isgradually becoming thesocialdisharmony notesofthehealthydevelopment of China'secon
6、omic. Does therealreason istheimpactof employmentequity? How shouldwemeasuretheextent of inequalityscientificallyandeffectively? Alsohow shouldwetake measuresto prevent the continuedexpansion of this inequality? Thepurposeofthispaper is to studyandresearch the
7、resultsofhomeandabroad for the urban laborforce inequality , give presentations anddiscussionforexistingresearch perspectivesand methods. Andfurtherdevelop amacro perspective tograsp the measure of equalityinemployment indexsystem ofinequality trends, toidenti
8、fythemainfactors of affectingtheequal, and from theseareas toimprove the employquality.The rise of inequality in China hasbeen growingstressedinliterature .Theliteraturemakesanemph