2、ApplicationofHigherAlgebrainmiddleschoolZHUwei-da2011031532Advisor:LUming-xianPureandAppliedMathematicsCollegeofMathematicsandComputerScience【Abstract】:Linear algebra is a branch of mathematics. It is a mathematical foundation course. In recent years, some content of higher mathematic
3、s are begun to learn by middle school students. And Linear algebra has also wide application in elementary mathematics. This paper is divided into five parts. In these parts, we will give a lot of examples to show some applications of determinant, Linear equations, quadratic theory, m
4、atrix and transform, vector in elementary mathematics. 【Keywords】: determinant homogeneous linear system quadratic form matrix vector.15引言:线性代数是学习自然科学、工程和社会科学的一门高度抽象且逻辑性很强的基础理论课程,它本身理论性强,并且计算繁杂.作为高等学校基础课,除了作为各门学科的重要工具以外,还是提高人才的全面素质中起着重要的作用,他在培育理性思维和审美功能方面的作用也得到充分的重视.可以说任何与数学有关的