2、行列式;齐次线性方程组;二次型;矩阵;向量DiscussiononApplicationofHigherAlgebrainmiddleschoolZHUwei-da2011031532Advisor:LUming-xianPureandAppliedMathematicsCollegeofMathematicsandComputerScience【Abstract】:Linear algebra is a branch of mathematics. It is a mathematical fou
3、ndation course. In recent years, some content of higher mathematics are begun to learn by middle school students. And Linear algebra has also wide application in elementary mathematics. This paper is divided into five parts. In these parts, we will giv
4、e a lot of examples to show some applications of determinant, Linear equations, quadratic theory, matrix and transform, vector in elementary mathematics. 【Keywords】: determinant homogeneous linear system quadratic form matrix vector.15引言:线性代数是学习