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1、XX年12月23日五年级英语上册期末测试题(新标准英语)本资料为woRD文档,请点击下载地址下载全文下载地址 五年级测试卷12-23 一、 辨不同。 .A.kitchen B.bedroom c.zoo 2.A.sofa B.table c.pencil 3.A.look B.found c.won 4.A.first B.bird c.last 5.A.where B.in c.behind 6.A.bedroom B.hat c.livingroom 7.A.book B.bag c.toilet 8.A.can
2、B.don’t c.won’t 9.A.shout B.climb c.dangerous 0.A.grass B.zoo c.tree 二、单项选择。 .whereisSam? He’s thekitchen. A.in B.on c.of 2.Let’s hideandseek. A.find B.eat c.play 3. didyoufindLingling? Inthebedroom. A.How B.where c.when 4.IsTomplaying you? A.back B.of c.wit
3、h 5.Ifoundhimfirst.Iamthe .A.winner B.win c.loser 6.Don’t thetree? A.climbs B.climb c.climbed 7.Don’twalk thegrass. A.at B.in c.on 8.Bequite!mybabyis . A.sleep B.sleeping c.slept 9.ThenIfell thebedandbumpedmyhead. A.off B.of c.at 0.youcan exerciseintheplayground
4、.A.doing B.did c.do 1. isSam? Inthetoilet.A.what B.How c.where 2.Thereisabeautifulbedinmy . A.kitchen B.bedroom c.toilet 3.Don’tjumponthebed.It’s . A.dangerous B.great c.good. 4. shout.Thebabyissleeping. A.Please B.Don’t c./ 5.Let’s toschool. A.goes B.going c.g
5、o 三、选词填空 Don’t Let’s looks isn’t didn’t .Sorry, I know. 2. walkonthegrass. 3.It myruler.It’shers. 4.Ilikepandas. Gotothezootoseethem. 5.Thatman dangerous. 四、适当的介词填空。 .mymotheris thekitchen. 2.Tomisplaying Amy. 3.Linglingis the toilet. 4.Samishiding thesofa. 5,
6、.wefoundtheschoolbag thelivingroom. 五、句型转换。 .Heisinthekitchen. climb thetree. 6.Thebabyissleeping. (对划线部分提问) Isthebaby ? 六、选答语。 .wheredidyoufindthepen? A.They’rereadingbooks. 2.Don’tshout,please. B.Let’seaticecream. 3.It’ssunny. c.It’sdangerous. 4.It’stoohot.I’mthirsty
7、. D.wecanflykites. 5.Don’tswimintheriver. E.Ifounditinmybag. 七、连词成句。 .walk don’t on grass the . 2.arguedon’t . 3.please don’t shout. 4.didwherefindyoujohn? 5.I john kitchen inthefound. 6.don’t the tree climb. 八、阅读理解 mynameisjack.Ili