1、北京联合大学毕业论文外文原文及译文题目:浦发银行核心竞争力研究专业:金融学指导教师:刘迎春学院:商务学院学号:41班级:金融1202S姓名:方杨阳一、外文原文WhatDrivesthePersistentCompetitivenessofSmallBankBillBassett,TomBrady..FinanceandEconomicsDiscussionSeries(Vol.52002),24-30The decline in the real value of deposit insurance, howe
2、ver, is only one of several trends in the financial industry that could have weakened the competitiveness of small banks in recent years. Among these other developments have been the return to health of large banknumerousmergers that have increased the size
3、and scope of large banks, and the continued increase in competition from mutual funds and other nonbank financial companies. Mergers and acquisitions have reduced the number of banks in the United States from more than 14,000 in 1985 to about 8,300 at the
4、 end of 2000, and during this time the share of domestic banking assets held by the largest 100 banks rose from about half to almost three-fourths (Chart2). Studies of consolidation in the banking industry and of its impact on small bank competitiveness hav
5、e reached differing conclusions. However, consolidation interacts with the decline in the real value of deposit insurance to create another potentially adverse impact on the competitiveness of small banks. The creation of “mega-banks” increases the possibil
6、ity that depositors would consider these larger banks to be “too big to fail” (TBTF), which would implicitly confer a greater level of deposit insurance upon large bank customers than those of small banks. Smaller banks contend that an increase in the nomina
7、l value of deposit insurance is needed to help offset this perception of a TBTF policy (Independent Community Bankers Association [2000]). The evolution of large, complex banking organizations has led federal bank regulators to warn that these institutions c
8、reate the potential for unusually large systemic risks to the national and international economies should they fail (Greenspan [1999]). However, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improve