2、课题为“Summer Is Coming!”。本课将教授描述自然四季变化和夏季活动的词汇及句型。教学目标:1、学生能够听懂、会说、认读和书写单词: fan 2、学生能够认读、理解并运用下列句子:In summer, I like to… 3、培养学生善于运用所学表达对自然界的所见所闻的能力。 4、激发学生对四季的喜爱之情,培养学生关注周围环境的意识,使学生乐于享受生活中美好的事物。重点难点:1、学生能够运用本课句型描述自然和自己喜爱的夏季活动,在生活情境中灵活运用并进行表达。2、学生通过本课的学习能自由表达四季的天
3、气、景色及乐趣。教学准备:教学光盘,多媒体,PPT课件,四季分组的座位牌,电扇贴图,红黄橘色的树叶贴图,四季天气及树木变化的词条。教学过程:1、第一学时2、教学活动 Step1:Class Opening 1.Greeting and warm up T : Hello Kids! Glad to meet you.Welcome to English class. How do you feel today? Ss: It’s hot. T : Hot? Summer is coming! Let’s watc
4、h a video.What’s the video about? (设计意图:短暂的交流把学生引入英文语言环境。请同学们观看一段四季变换的视频,从视觉上引导孩子们关注天气和树木的变化,视频播放的同时师生可以适机的互动,先从简单内容入手,带动学生进入本课谈论的主题,激活旧知,为后面的教学环节做好铺垫。) Step2:New Concepts Part1.What season is it? T:There are four seasons in a year. They are ... Ss : ...spring
5、,summer,autumn and winter. (T : Draw the mind map.) T: (指着冬天)What is it? Ss :Winter. T: Can you say something about winter? How’s the weather in winter? S:... 同时把关键词加入到板书的思维导图里,便于后期学生参照表达。 (设计意图:在视频的带入下,很自然地进入了四季的话题,老师引导学生互动回答问题,先就四季的名称和天气变化进行讨论。在复习的同时逐渐拓宽表达领域
6、。) 2.Chant Chant: Spring ,spring, warm and rainy. Summer, summer, hot and sunny. Autumn,autumn, cool and windy. Winter, winter,cold and snowy. T : Okay! Great! Different weather in different seasons. What happens to trees in different seasons? (设计意图:通过chant的习练
7、,让学生熟练巩固,为后面的整体知识输出做好铺垫,同时引出树木的变化。) 3.Listen and fill in the blanks with the key words.--听读课文part1 核对答案时丰富思维导图。Have you got it? Show me your answer. (引导学生抓住关键词进行描述。) 4.Try to introduce the four seasons. At first,teacher makes a model to introduce the seasons
8、 with the mind map on the blackboard. Then ,ask the students to introduce the seasons in their group.The volunteer show the introduction. (设计意图:以教师示范,到小组互补,再到尝试描述,这是一个循序渐进的辅助孩子们综合表