1、幼儿园幼儿园中班英语教案:什么颜色教学目标:1、能听懂会说本课单词、对话。要求发音准确,理解词义,语调自然。2、能用who are you?并用I’m进行对话交流。3、激发兴趣,培养幼儿大声讲话的习惯及自信。教学内容:1、对话Orange Blue Green White教具:一个五彩魔术盒,彩色绳,花瓣似的色片。Step1:师生互致问候。T: Hello, Good morning, boys and girls!S: Hello, Good morning, Miss Wu.Step2:句型“Who are you? I’m…”操练。T: First, Let’s play a
2、game, Ok?1)玩捉迷藏游戏引入句型,教师蒙住眼睛,走进幼儿中摸到幼儿问:Who are you?请幼儿回答 I’m… (三次以上)2)T: Next, Let’s talk。 示范:双人活动。Step3: 学习新单词T: Let’s stop! Now well, look, I have red coat. How nice! again.Do you like red? What colour? Again.1)学习yellow red orange blue green white依次出示彩色花片(组成一朵花)学习单词。分全班—男孩—
3、女孩—小组读。 T: well, Now, Let’s play an other game, Ok?2)教师指色片,幼儿读单词。3)教师读单词,幼儿指(请2—4名幼儿)。Step4: 复习单词。T: Well, This game with colours. Guess what am I holding? It’s a Magicbox.1)出示彩盒。T: Open the box, It’s a Magicrope. Guess first what colour?2)请幼儿猜颜色说对单词,即拉出同色的绳子。猜对了就欢呼“Yes”,猜错了,就说“No, sorr
4、y”。T: At last, Now look.3)将绳子系在椅子两边,走钢丝。教师示范,走到什么颜色上,幼儿齐读单词。请一名幼儿来走,剩下的幼儿读。