1、.学习风格问卷此问卷是为了找到您倾向的学习风格。回答此问卷没有时间限制,大约会用15分钟左右。结果的准确性取决于您诚实回答问题的程度。您的选项没有对与错。针对每一个问题:如果您同意多过不同意,请打钩。如果您不同意多过同意,请打叉。请确认每一个问题要么打钩要么打叉。1.I have strong beliefs about what is right and wrong, good and bad我对于什么是正确和错误的,好的坏的有很坚定的信念。2.I often act without considering
2、 the possible consequences我经常做事不考虑可能产生的后果。3.I tend to solve problems using a stepbystep approach我倾向于采用循序渐进的方法解决问题。4.I believe that formal procedures and policies restrict people.我觉得人们被正规的程序和政策所限制。5.I have a reputation for saying what I think, simply and dir
3、ectly我给人印象是我在表述我的想法时简单直接。6.I often find that actions based on feelings are as sound as those based on careful thought andanalysis我经常发现基于感受的行动和细致思考分析后采取的行动一样合理可靠。7.I like the sort of work where I have time for thorough preparation and implementation我喜欢那种可以让我
4、有时间做充分准备和实施的工作。8.I regularly question people about their basic assumptions.我经常询问大家关于基本假设的问题。9.What matters most is whether something works in practice.最重要的是在实际过程中,某事能否行得通。10.I actively seek out new experiences..我积极地寻求新的体验。1.When I hear about a new idea or a
5、pproach I immediately start working out how to apply it inpractice.每当我得知一个新主意或是新方法,我会立刻着手开始将其付诸实践。2.I am keen on selfdiscipline such as watching my diet, taking regular exercise, sticking to afixedroutine, etc.我热衷于自律行为,比如控制自己的饮食,定期运动,坚持固定的日常作息等。3.I take pri
6、de in doing a thorough job.我以细致周密地完成工作而自豪。4.I get on best with logical, analytical people and less well with spontaneous, ‘irrational’ people.我擅长与具有逻辑性和分析性的人相处的很好,不怎么擅长与感情用事和“非理性”的人相处。5.I take care over the interpretation of data available to me and avoid j
7、umping to conclusions我注重对已有数据的分析解读,并避免主观地得出结论。6.I like to reach a decision carefully after weighing up many alternatives.我喜欢在权衡多种选择后再谨慎地做出决定。17. I’m attracted more to novel, unusual ideas than to practical ones.相比于实用的想法,我更经常被新奇和不寻常的想法所吸引。18. I don’t like di
8、sorganised things and prefer to fit things into a coherent pattern.我不喜欢把事情弄得杂乱无章,我更喜欢将事情纳入条理清晰的模式。19. I accept and stick to laid down procedures and policies so long as I regard them as an efficientway