1、Unit11.科学家应该警告人们防范PM2.5,限制他们孩子的户外活动,以避免对孩子造成哪怕最小的伤害。Scientists should warn people about PM 2.5 and the need to restrict their children’s outdoor activities to avoid even the minimal damage. 2.当地政府为爬山者实施了一项可发展的计划,以使环境不受到影响。The local government has implemented a deve
2、lopment program for the mountain climbers to leave the surrounding region unaffected. 3.由于我们能确定危险的地方,我们现在能把科学家的风险降到零。We can reduce the risks to zero since we are sure of what risks they are running. 4.为了抵制焦虑,你应该强迫自己想象一个问题已经解决的积极的未来。To combat your anxiety, you shoul
3、d compel yourself to visualize a promising future in which a problem has already been settled. 5.他说,发达国家有责任促进全球范围内的经济发展。He holds that developed countries should be held accountable for economic growth on a 下载文档到电脑,查找使用更方便1下载券 79人已下载下载还剩42页未读,继续阅读global scale. 6.垃
4、圾中有利用价值的资源被忽略了,因而没有得到充分利用。Trash is not yet fully utilized, leading to overlooking the potential in it. 7.许多女性做出这个选项,她们想通过理财来掌握自己的生活。A large number of females choose the option of personal finance to achieve control of their own lives. 8.大学决定对这个项目进行投资,因为这个项目比其他类似的项
5、目显示更多的技术上优点。The university has decided to invest in the project because it has many technical advantages over other similar ones. 9.我们往往忽视了树木的功能,树可以遮蔽动物也为人类遮荫。Trees can provide shelter for both man and animals, which we tend to overlook. 10.我们正努力全面了解大学文科课程,因为这些课程包括
6、的科目非常广泛。We are trying to achieve a sound understanding of liberal arts courses, which encompasses a wide range of subjects. Unit21.合理地使用有限的自然资源对人类所处的地球环境有好处。AnappropriateuseoflimitednaturalresourcesisadvantageousfortheEarthenvironmentwherehumanbeingslive。2.本地区不确定因素