2、用(Language in use )单元”.2、教材特色【特色一:适合多版本、各层次的小学与初中衔接【特色二:语言知识学习系统扎实【特色三:语言知识新颖丰富,活动安排活泼有趣【特色四:语言能力培养自然到位3、教材内容 (1)Module and topic M1: Nice to meet you M2: Me, my parents and my friends M3: My new school M4: My family M5: Healthy food Revision A M6: An invi
3、tation to the cinema M7:My school day M8: Different habits M9: A trip to the zoo M10: Computers Revision B(2) Function(功能) M1: Giving personal information M2: Talking about what you can do M3: Describing a new school M4: Describing famili
4、es M5: Talking about one’s favourite food M6: Making and accepting invitations M7: Talking about routines M8: Talking about different customs and habits in different countries M9: Talking about one’s favourite animals M10:Describin
5、g a process(变化进程) (3) Structure (结构)M1: Present simple be M2: Can / Can’t this and these M3: There is ,there are prepositions of place; possessive adjectives; possessive M4: Have / has got (拥有) (affirmative, negative , interrogative)` M5: some and any singular
6、 and plural nouns M6: Prepositions of time and place M7:Present simple I, you, we, they; Prepositions of time M8: Present simple he ,she, it adverbs of frequency(频率); possessive adjectives M9: present simple questions M10: Wh-questions in present simple (4) C
7、ulture (Around the world) M1: Family name , given name M2: Languages M3: Schools in the UK M4: Families M5: Chinese food M6: Prepositions of time and place M7:Present simple I, you, we, they; Prepositions of time M8: Present simple he ,she,