5、后not莫忘记;疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。Be动词用法Be动词练习题一.用be动词适当的形式填空。1. Ifrom Australia.2. Shea student.3.Jane and Tommy friends.4. My parentsvery busy every day.5.Ian English teacher now.Be动词用法amareisaream6.Whereyou from?7.The lightgreen.8.My nameLi Dong.Itwelve.9.they your new friends?10. Ia boy.you a boy? No,
6、Inot.11. The girlJack's sister.12. The dogtall and fat.13.your brother in the classroom?Be动词用法areAreAreamamamisisisisIs17. Whereyour mother? Sheathome.18. Whose dressthis?19. Many antsin my house.20.His motherfat.21.Hein Class 4, Grade 1.22.Whatyour name?23. Thesebuses.Be动词用法isisisisareisisar
7、e24. What classyou in?25. Theycars.26.The caton the desk.27.The booksunder the table.Be动词用法areareisare二.选择1.SheMiss Hen.A.be B.am C.is2.Isorry.A.is B.am C.are3.Heremy ball.A.is B.are C.am4