6、arties.7、出货保函Letter ofguarantee如用买方指定货代,则在订舱后两(2)个工作日内,需由买方公司责令订舱货代出具给陕西秦塬纺织有限公司的承诺不放货保函,如未按时出具此保函,卖方有权延迟出货。Ifusebuyer’sappointedforwarder,buyer should require the forwarder to issue a letter of guarantee what the delivery of goods must comply with SHAAN
7、XI QINYUAN TEXTILE CO.,LTD.'S instructionafter shipping space is released for this contractintwo(2)workingdays.If the forwarder of this contract cannot issue this letter of guaranteeintime,The seller has the responsibility of delaying the shipping date.8