1、实用文档翻译硕士CATTI笔译常用词汇汉译英(教育)2016年2月17日14:27 阅读9968翻译硕士 CATTI 笔译常用词汇 汉译英(教育)@鬼谷一喵陪读 be companion to sb in study听课 attend a class or lecture学风 style of study学分制 credit system走读生 nonresident student博士后 post-doctoral进修班 class for further studies特困生 the most needy student学杂费 tuition fee and miscellan
2、eous charges毕业设计 graduation project大专学历 a college graduate德才兼备 combine political integrity with professional competence定向培养provide training to selected students定向招生 recruit students from selected organizations or regions; enroll students who are pre-assigned to specific posts or areas文案大全实用文档动
3、手能力 the ability of practice岗位培训 in-service/on-the-job training高等教育 higher/postsecondary education高考移民 NCEE migrant (NCEE: National College Entrance Examination)国情教育 education about China’s conditions积累知识 accumulate knowledge基础教育 basic/elementary education寄宿学校 boarding school家庭教育 education in t
4、he home家政教育 education in home economics教师队伍 contingent of teachers教书育人impart knowledge and educate people教学实习 field practice/internship教育方针 educational policy教育使命 educational mission教育资源 resources for education就近上学 provide for schools within easy walking distance开除学籍 expel from school民办公助 run
5、by local people and subsidized by the state民办教师 community-sponsored teacher文案大全实用文档民办教育 non-government funded education抛砖引玉 throw a sprat to catch a whale品学兼优 excellency in character and learning启发式教学 heuristic teaching全民教育 education for all人才交流 personnel exchange人才流失 brain drain死记硬背 memorize
6、 things mechanically素质教育 quality-oriented education/quality education缩短学制 shorten the period of schooling特殊教育 special education文化程度 educational level文化传承 cultural continuity文化断层 cultural dislocation文化交流 cultural exchanges文教事业 cultural and educational undertakings文房四宝 four treasures of the stud
7、y (writing brush, inkstick, inkstone and paper)希望工程 Hope Project希望小学 Hope Primary School小留学生 parachute kids/parachute children文案大全实用文档信、达、雅 faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance学海无涯 boundless sea of learning学术机构 academic institution