4、rial,Ithinktheteachingaimsarethefollowing.(根据新课标和教学法)1 Students are able to grasp the main point of the three e-mails. 2 Students are able to know that nothing is more important than health. 3 Students are able to express their own opinions about the topic1)Knowledgeobj
5、ectsA.Thesscanmastertheusageoftheimportantwordsandexpressions.B.Students are able to grasp the main point of the three e-mails.C.Sscan use reading strategy: understand sentences with “however” or “but”2)AbilityobjectsA.Todevelopthess’abilitiesofreading.b.Students are able
6、 to express their own opinions about the topic.C.Know how to write an email3)EmotionormoralobjectsA.Students are able to know that health is more important than appearance. Nowlet’scometotheimportantpointsanddifficulties.1.Enablethestudentstoidentifythemaintopicofeachemai
7、landfind the main points in the three e-mails and express them2.andunderstandsentenceswith“however”and“but”3.Tohelpthestudentsmasterthenewwordsandexpressionsinthisperiod.Next,Iwanttotalkaboutthestudents.Asforthesenioroness,theyhaveacertainabilitytoreadbutthey are lack of