2、muchwithoutanyexercisewillcertainlycausew problems.2.Simonwantstoc hisdietbecausehewantstohealthier.3.Wecanenjoyf airinthecountryside.4.Amyoftenhaslunchinar .5.Ihavesomegoodfriendsandtheycomefromd countries.6.Eatingmorefruitsandv isgoodforyourhealth.7.Thep oft
3、hecomputeris5000yuan.Ican'taffordit.8.Iusuallybuysomevegetablesatthebigm .9.Ifyouwanttostayh ,youshouldoftenmoveyourbody.10.Youmustbelieveinyourself.That'sthes ofsuccess.◆单选题1. I have three pen pals. One is______, the other two are _______ A. Japanese; Ame
4、rica B. English; Frenchmen C. Canada; Australia D. Russian; Germany 2. Do you know how many_____a horse has and how many______a bee (蜜蜂) has? A. teeth; feet B. tooth; foot C. tooth; feet D. teeth; foot 3. --- What can I do for you? --- Err, I want a glass o
5、f milk, some bread and_______ A. some chickens B. any chickens C. some chicken 4. I'm so hungry. Please give me_______to eat. A. three bread B. three pieces of bread C. three piece of bread D. three breads 5.______oranges do you want and______orange w
6、ould you like? A. How many; how many B. How much; how much C. How many; how much D. How much; how many 6. --- Would you like a drink? --- ________. A coke. A. Yes, it is B. No, thanks C. Yes, please D. No, I don't 7. ---_______are the lemons? --- They are
7、 thirteen yuan a kilo. A. How many B. How much C. How old D. How8. I'msohungry.Pleasegiveme______toeat. A.threebread B.threepiecesofbread C.threepieceofbread D.threebreads9.______orangesdoyouwantand _____orangewouldyoulike? A.Howmany;howmany B.Howmuch;howmuch