5、酒”,宴请出席葬礼的亲戚朋友,向他们表示谢意,可见中国人十分重视聚首饭桌前分享喜乐与悲哀。古老与传统秉承的中国文化造就了独特的中国餐桌礼仪,同样,西方的餐桌礼仪也如人类文化遗产中的瑰宝和明珠,无比绚烂夺目,熟悉西方的餐桌礼仪,才能更好地与他们交流,也才能更好得去发扬自己国家的文化与传统,才能走向世界,走得更远。第一节美国1.饭前(Before dining)餐桌上都不应该戴帽子;在白天拜访别人的时候女士专用的帽子例外。Men's and unisex hats should never be worn at the table. Ladies' hats may be worn
6、 during the day if visiting others.在正式的宴会中,男士们须站在自己的座位后面,等女士们都坐下了以后,才能坐下。Before sitting down to a formal meal, gentlemen stand behind their chairs until the women are seated.在开始吃饭前,主人要做饭前的谢饭祷告,这在美国的家庭里是很普遍的,客人应该加入这个谢饭的祷告,至少要在祷告的时候保持安静以示尊敬。如果被邀请的客人有不同的信仰,主人的谢饭祷告不应该包括深奥的宗教仪式A prayer or 'blessi
7、ng' may be customary in some households, and the guests may join in or be respectfully silent. Most prayers are made by the host before the meal is eaten. Hosts should not practice an extended religious ritual in front of invited guests who have di