6、有想法的一代,他们敢想敢做,充满激情,90后创业者有他们独特的优点,但是他们自身也有着不足之处。最后一部分阐述了90后创业者容易出现的问题,并且提出如何提高领导素质这一内容。关键词:90后创业者;领导特点;领导素质理论文案大全实用文档ABSTRACTThe text part includes four parts, the first part is based on the concept of leadership quality theory, analyzed the difference in t
7、he quality of the western leadership research. The second part expounds the leadership characteristics of 90 entrepreneurs, and briefly analyzes several main characteristics. The third part through the list of 90 entrepreneurs examples, summed up the leader
8、ship characteristics of 90 entrepreneurs and their leadership qualities, young and energetic, anti authority, dare to innovate, dare to undertake risks, not afraid of hardship, responsible, active thin