1、556.31;553.9(524)3543北海道朝日炭砿の坑内水について狛 武* 根本 隆文** 上 島 宏**Geo曲e細c朗S細岨量es o聰M量鵬W魏ers亜臨e As麟量Co謡M量聰e,闘磁肱輔o’ByTakeshi KoMA,Takafumi NEMoTo and Hiroshi KAMlsHIMAAbstract For the purpose ofsearching a method to treat spring wateきs i益ごoal min6s economically,the mine waters were surveyed as an
2、object of this study in the Asahi coal mine at Asahi,Iwamizawa city,Hokkaido. From the results ofanalyses ofmine waters and water soluble chlorine in mudstones,thegroundwatefs in the Asahi formation are divided into two typ6s,that is,o遍is the Na+一HCO3-typein艶rredt・bea£・ssilw我ter・f£reshwat
3、er・rigin・andthe・theristheNす+一C1-typesuμposed to be that ofmarine water origin。 I Morever,the mine waters can be classi且ed into丘ve types fro血t五elr chemical composi-tions.要 旨1旨緒 言・ 本報告は,北海道朝目炭砿坑内における坑内水および 炭砿で坑道掘進の際,《突如として湧水を見,坑道や切泥質岩中の水溶性塩素を調査し,坑内水の分類を行なっ羽などの使用,を不能にし,経済的損失を招くことがしばた結果を述べた