3、t: jiangjin district of Chongqing Jiangzhou hotel is ahotel in jiangjindistrict has a very high reputation, Simianmountain, with the development of jiangjin's popularity rising,moreand more people cameto jiangjin21district, tourism. Withthe upgrading of business traffic, competition is becomingmor
4、eintense, the Shu Garden Hotel Goa-led alargenumberof star-rated hotels to carveup the market. Inorderto gain marketshare in order to get more interest, in Jiangzhou hotel ownershadto thinkabout the important issues.First investigated Jiangzhou hotel in jiangjin districtcompetitors, consumers,aswe
5、llas theirown situation, andstriveto do a comprehensive analysis aswellas in theinternal and external investigations. Then, based oninvestigations made a suitable Jiangzhou hotel marketing planbook. Presented for the Jiang-Hotel development in jiangjindistrict has some significance and value.Keywo
6、rds: Jiang-JiangJin-star hotel market share businessplanning第一章市场调查与分析前言21目前全国范围内酒店竞争激烈,作为江津3星级江洲大酒店也同样面临着这样的问题,为了江洲大酒店能够更好的立足于江津,并且能够占领更多的市场,对江洲大酒店的营销环境,广告策略、营销策略及竞争对手的优劣势进行全面获悉力度分析才能更好的掌握市场份额。正所谓知己知彼百战不殆,因此江洲大酒店的市场调查是很有必要的。1.江洲大酒店简介江洲大酒店是国家三星级涉外旅游饭店。酒店座落于环境优美的滨江路中段。距重庆市46公里,距国家级风景名胜区四面山92公里。装饰豪华