1、解析中国传统吉祥符号——葫芦纹:中国传统文化丰富多样,葫芦作为中国吉祥文化符号的代表,历史悠久,且有着深厚的文化内涵。文章从葫芦在中国传统文化中的地位开始,论述了葫芦纹的文化内蕴即:生命崇拜和吉祥祝福,从这两方面进一步剖析了隐藏于葫芦纹背后的深邃的文化内蕴,指出了葫芦文化在现代设计中的重要地位。关键词:葫芦;纹样;吉祥;传统Abstract:Analyzing on the Chinese tradition propitious mark---Hu lu pattern Chinese traditional culture is bountiful, which as the Ch
2、inese propitious culture mark representative.Hu lu has a long history, and it has the deep cultural connotation. The article elaborates cultural embodiment from Hu lu’s status in Chinese traditional culture, which are the life worship and the propitious blessing. It further analyzes the profound
3、 cultural embodiment behind the Hu lu pattern from these two aspects, and pointes out the important position of Hu lu culture in the modern design. Keywords: Hu lu; pattern;Propitious; Traditional一、引言 中国传统文化中的吉祥纹样资源是极为丰富的,它们以其多样而统一的风格,显示出独特、深厚并富有魅力的文化传统和民族精神。饱含着民众向往美好生活的朴素愿望,这些纹样随着时间的推移、历史的变迁而不断