1、Chapter 1 I .YES,Please refer to the 1st paragraph of the text. II. 流动性过剩 自给自足 经济资源 直接投资 国际收支 易货交易 出口退税 倾销 出口型经济增长 东道国 贸易差额 贸易顺差/贸易逆差 欧盟 国际收支顺差/国际收支逆差 有形贸易 无形贸易 货物贸易 服务贸易 excess liquidity self-sufficient economic resources direct investment balance of payments bart
2、er export tax rebate dumping export-driven economic growth host country balance of trade favorable/unfavorable balance of trade European Union favorable/unfavorable balance of payments visible trade invisible trade trade in goods trade in services III The chart
3、 above shows the U.S. imports from China, U.S. exports to China and the trade balance. The U.S. has a negative trade balance with China, and it has been growing. During the period from 1997 to 2003, imports from China have grown 244% while exports to China have gro
4、wn 221%, indicating that the trade deficit is increasing. There had already been a sizeable trade balance deficit with China in 1996, totaling $ 39.5 billion at the end of the year. IV 1. Export goods are tangible goods sent out of countries. 2. Trade in services
5、are international earnings other than those derived from the exporting and importing of tangible goods. 3. Import goods are tangible goods brought in. 4. International trade is all business transactions that involve two or more countries. 5. FDI is one that giv
6、es the investor a controlling interest in a foreign company. 6. Investment is used primarily as financial means for a company to earn more money on its money with relative safety. V 1. International trade is the fair and deliberate exchange of goods and/or ser
7、vices across national boundaries. It concerns trade operations of both import and export and includes the purchase and sale of both visible and invisible goods. 2. In today's complex economic world, neither individuals nor nations are self-sufficient. Nations
8、 participate in the international trade for many reasons. As to the economic reasons, no nation has all of the economic resources (land, labor an