1、Every ten minutes, one kind of animal, plant or insect (1) dies out for ever. If nothing is done about it, one million species that are alive today will have become (2) extinct twenty years from now. The seas are in danger. They are being filled with (3) poison: industrial and nuclear waste,
2、chemical fertilizers and (4) pesticides, sewage. If nothing is done about it, one day soon nothing will be able to (5) live in the seas. The tropical rain (6) forests, which are the home of half the earth's living things are (7) being destroyed. If nothing is done about it, they will have (8)
3、 nearly disappeared in twenty years. The effect on the world's (9) climate - and on our agriculture and food (10) supplies - will be disastrous. (11) Fortunately, somebody is trying to do something about it. In 1961, the (12) World Wildlife Fund was founded - a small group of people who wante
4、d to (13) raise money to save animals and plants (14) from extinction. Today, the World Wildlife Fund is a large (15) international organization. It has raised over (16) £35 million for (17) conservation projects, and has created or given support to the National Parks in (1 8) five continents.
5、 It has helped 30 (19) mammals andbirds - including the tiger - to (20) survive. When Stephen Powelson was nine, his school organized a (1) weekly contest in memorizing passages from the Bible. Stephen paid (2) no attention until he was chided* for (3) not competing. The next Sunday he surpris
6、ed everyone by (4) reciting all the passages for the (5) entire year. As a teenager in prep school, Stephen took Greek. His teacher (6) assigned 21 lines of the Iliad* to be memorized (7) in a week. At the end of the hour - though he (8) insisted he paid full attention to the (9) lecture - St
7、ephen knew all 21. He went on to memorize the first (10) 100 lines. In 1978, for the first time (11) since college, Powelson, now 60, had some (12) spare time. To keep his mind active, he reread the Iliad and (13) discovered that he st